Watch Quisiera ser hombre online for free at HD quality, full-length film. Watch Quisiera ser hombre movie online for free. The movie Quisiera ser hombre has got high rating, from many total votes for watching this film online. Watch this on the web. Manuela (Lucerito) has a lot of difficulties to get work as a fashion designer, since the world of "haute couture" is preferred by men. She decides to change her appearance in order to have luck, so Manuela becomes Manuelito. Immediately find a job as an assistant of Miguel (Guillermo Capetillo), who is also a designer. Miguel offers to share his department, and Manuelito agrees because she/he doesn't have a place to live. This raises a number of funny situations, especially when Miguel is alarmed to know that he is falling in love with his "male friend"
Year: 1988
Genre : Crime, Action, Comedy
Runtime: 90 minutes
Release Date: 1988-04-30
Actors : Lucero, Guillermo Capetillo, Carlos Riquelme, Amparo Arozamena